
 Beacon Falls

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This realm is inhabited by giants, most of whom seem quite welcoming.  Most of them live in homes built in giant trees.  Many among them seem very preoccupied with a popular art movement.  The surrounding countryside is mostly flat and dotted with small reddish rocks.  The whole thing is in a dimension that only appears at certain times of the year.
Molly and Lefty are approached by a playful amphiboid janitor, who wants to hire them to find and return a stolen shipment of food items.  The job is complicated by conflicting information and by supplies being overpriced.  Also, there are reasons to believe otherworldly forces may be at work.
A scream is heard coming from nearby bushes.
The jackalope, also commonly known as a 'Frankenstein' rabbit, is the stuff of nightmares, with elongated horns protruding from its furry little head.
Molly and Lefty encounter Tallman. This big hairy man is a calculating cyborg emperor.  He has taken over the empire with arcane magic.  He uses mind control to create spooks and is extremely vain.
Suddenly, they are confronted by "The General" This big is a cynical male general.  He has taken over the empire with a powerful artifact.  He easily manipulates others and has some followers who question their loyalty.
Molly and Lefty execute a pepper spray escape with the help of about twenty giant friends who overpower Tallman and the General.  The shipment of food items is recovered and they all return to the realm.


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