The Miller Report by Doc Miller

 Date... November 9, 2021

Why is it that I almost always need a shave?

Astronomy Of The Day ... Space X returns to Earth ... another day of booming business.  And, Catch a planetary conjunction, watch Venus skim past the Lagoon Nebula, and observe the First Quarter Moon from November 5 to 12.

Today's Weather Report:  Sunny.  70 degrees!! sacré bleu!!

Geezer Headline of the day served with Punch ...
HARTFORD - U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes, D-5th District, summed up the next job for Democrats after finally passing a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package ...
Little Jahana as a child: When I grow up I want to be a socialist.
Parent: You can’t do both.

Quote of the day ...
There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism. -- Alexander Hamilton

Recipe of the day ...
foot long Portuguese roll, blobed with mayo, and ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato!!  served with lightly salted, wavey lays chips.
And also served with cold spring water.

Today's question ...
California or Florida?    Results on this question were completely in favor of Florida.  Please comment below with your thoughts.

Alexa says ... META --- make everything Trump again!!
Sometimes Alexa "thinks" she's funny.

So, that's all I have for you today.
I still need a shave.
And,  thanks for the soup!!


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