The Miller Report by Doc Miller

Hi, everybody.  I'm back.  Thanks for stopping by.
Time for a shave.  But first here's some stuff from across my desk ...

Astronomy Of The Day ...
Back at NASA as Snoopy tackles one of the most compelling mysteries of humankind: is there life out there in the universe?  

Today's Weather Report:  Today's temperature is 56F degrees with a 30% chance of light rain.  Wind is out of the West at 2 mph.   So, even though I was out in some pouring rain, earlier, it's going to be a really nice day from here on out.
My weather stick is pointing out.  Maybe a little lower.  It's recovering from the rain.  Sky is still cloudy.  Birds were enjoying themselves under the patio gazebo.  They're so delicate you know.

Geezer Headline of the day served with Punch ...
On climate change, in today's news.
Once upon a time, there was a man who had a $1.7 million net worth when he stepped down from US VP. Today he’s worth $300 million mainly for his pushing this hooey. Do you see any significant improvement in all that time? If so, why do we need more? And just what is billions, trillions and quadrillions of dollars going to do to ‘fix’ the situation?
Did you hear about the new drum beat formula that’s trying to fight climate change?
It’s called an AlGoreRhythm.

Quote of the day ...
So, joe biden walks into a bar and sees a hot, young woman sitting alone at a table....
....He sits down next to her and says “ I come here often?”

It is better to rust out than wear out.  -- Edwin Markham

Recipe of the day ... Italian Wedding Soup!!
Ckn broth, spinach, carrot, celery, ground beef, ckn breast halves chunked, orzo, salt & pepper, served with artesian Tuscan Bread, and corn muffins!!


 Today's question of the day ... Ford or Ferrari?

Alexa tells a joke:   ... Why was the Eagle self-conscious?  It was bald.

A hunter kills and eats a bald eagle, and is arrested for violating the Endangered Species Act. He pleads guilty, and throws himself on the mercy of the court.
"Your Honor," the hunter said, "I had no idea that it was illegal to kill and eat a bald eagle. If you let me go, I'll never do it again."

"You've committed a very serious crime," the judge replies. "But you clearly weren't aware of the law, so I'm willing to overlook it this one time. However, before I let you go, I'm going to ask you to do one thing."

"Anything, Your Honor," the hunter replies. "What is it?"

The judge says, "It's been illegal to kill a protected species for many years, so very few people have ever eaten a bald eagle. For the record, can you please tell everyone what a bald eagle tastes like?"

The hunter thinks for a moment and then replies, "It tastes pretty good. Kind of like a cross between a spotted owl and a condor."

Well, that's all I have for you today.
I still need a shave.
And,  thanks for the soup!!



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