The Miller Report by Doc Miller

Hi, everybody.  I'm back.  Thanks for stopping by.
Time for a shave.  But first here's some stuff from across my desk ...

Astronomy Of The Day ...
Ceres reaches opposition and it’s time to find a turkey in the sky from November 19 to 26.  Turkey time
The Orion Nebula (M42) is a famous, oft-observed target. Some might say it even looks like a turkey. What do you think?

When I was 10 years old, my dad gave me a great and powerful pair of binoculars.  We would go out on the porch, and enjoy observing the Orion Nebula.  This is a great season of the year to enjoy the events in the sky.  If you own a telescope, you should look into it.  

Today's Weather Report: 11-21-2021 7:43am  hi 52,  lo 38  partly cloudy, no animals yet,  wind 0 from the southwest.

What do you call a buff guy who predicts the weather and can treat a UTI?
A meaty urologist.

"Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while."

Geezer Headline of the day served with Punch ...
Woodbury Ski Area purchased by Quassy Amusement Park co-owner
Local News November 18, 2021
WOODBURY -- The longtime boarded-up Woodbury Ski Area has been acquired by the owner of Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury, who are looking to fix it up.

Jack and John decided to go skiing.
They loaded up their mini van and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they were caught in a terrible blizzard. So they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door,if they could spend the night.

"I realize its terrible weather out there and I have this huge house to myself, but I'm recently widowed".She explained " I'm afraid the neighbours will talk if I let you in".
"Don't worry" John said. " We'll be happy to sleep in the barn and if the weather breaks, we'll be gone at first light".
The lady agreed, the 2 men slept in the barn and left at first light. They enjoyed a great weekend of skiing.

But about 9 months later, John got a letter from an attorney and it took him some time to figure it out. He determined it was from the attorney of the widow they met during their skiing trip.
He dropped in on his friend Jack.
John: Jack, do you remember that good looking widow that we met on that skiing weekend?
Jack: Yes I do.
John: Be honest with me Jack, did you pay her a visit at the middle of the night?
Jack( looks a bit embarrassed now) : Yes John, I did.
John: Now tell me this Jack, did you give her my name and address instead of yours?
Jack( his face now beet red with embarrassment) : I'm sorry buddy, I'm afraid I did. Why do you ask?

John: She just died and left me everything.

Quote of the day ...
Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.   --- Jim Davis

"Why did the farmer have to separate the chicken and the turkey?" "He sensed fowl play."

"What happened to the turkey that got in a fight?" "He got the stuffing knocked out of him!"

Recipe of the day ...
Nina ate Chicken Parm and Ziti in marinara sauce.  Served with garlic bread with cheese.  I had three fat hot dogs with sauerkraut and spicey brown mustard.  Served with hot-from-the-oven tater tots sprinkled with onion and herb seasoning.  Washed it down with iced cold Sam Adams Summer Ale.

Today's question ...
What would you rather celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving?

Alexa says ...
Jokes: Alexa
Quote of the Day

Well, that's all I have for you today.
I still need a shave.
And,  thanks for the soup!!


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