The Miller Report 09112024

 Greetings, Mindmyst Tales enthusiasts!
    The September heatwave is upon us, and so are our latest stories! Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other side! 🐔 As you enjoy the sunny days and cool nights, let our tales be the highlight of your summer.

    From feathered mysteries to hoofed adventures, we’ve got something for everyone. Dive into the magic of Mindmyst Tales and let your imagination soar. Here’s a fun lotto pick: 2, 10, 18, 24, 31, 40. Enjoy and good luck!

 • Game of the Week --- your chance to win a prize ...
   Geometry Problem - Patio Perimeter Puzzle:
    On your high-tech backyard patio, you're setting up a new section with smart paving stones. If one side of the patio forms a rectangle with an area of 72 square meters and the length is 12 meters, what is the width of the patio?

First player to send your correct solution to Post a Comment,
your name will be placed on the Game of the Week leaderboard.

 • Now, I present to you this week's amazing story!!


 "Anderson House."

The Anderson House had always been a place of local legend. Perched at the peak of Anderson Ave. it stood tall with its weathered shutters and sagging roof, like an elderly man long forgotten. The house was built in the mid 1900s, but no one had lived there for decades—at least, not above ground. Townsfolk whispered of a family that once dwelled in the cellar, a family that had never left. Their eerie presence was said to linger in the damp, dark depths of the house, waiting for anyone foolish enough to venture too close.

It was on a chilly autumn evening when Daniel and Maggie Turner, new to the area, bought the Anderson House for a steal. They loved the history, the creaky floors, and the overgrown garden. The cellar, however, gave them pause. Its stone walls were cold to the touch, and the air seemed heavy, like the place was holding its breath. Still, they chalked it up to old pipes and poor ventilation. That night, as they unpacked, the cellar door creaked open on its own. Daniel, convinced it was just a draft, shut it firmly. But in the silence that followed, they both heard it—the faint sound of footsteps below.

Curiosity got the better of Daniel the next morning. He descended into the cellar with a flashlight, calling out in a joking tone, "Anyone home?" His voice echoed off the stone walls, but there was no answer—at least not at first. As he turned to leave, something caught his eye: a family portrait hanging on the far wall, coated in dust. In it was a man, a woman, and two children, all staring blankly into the camera. Oddly enough, the faces seemed familiar, as if Daniel had seen them before, though he couldn’t place where. Shaking off the uneasy feeling, he hurried back upstairs.

The strange occurrences grew worse over the next few days. Maggie swore she heard whispers at night, voices too faint to make out, but unmistakably human. Objects in the house would move on their own—chairs scraped across the floor, lights flickered, and once, the cellar door opened just as Maggie walked by, as if inviting her in. One evening, while they were eating dinner, the cellar door slammed shut so violently that the walls trembled. Daniel rushed to investigate, but there was no one there. Only the portrait remained, now with the faces of the family slightly turned as if they were watching him.

It was the final night when the truth came to light. Daniel awoke to the sound of children giggling, only to find the cellar door wide open once more. He and Maggie crept down together, flashlights in hand. As they reached the bottom, the cellar was unnervingly quiet—until they spotted something impossible. The family from the portrait stood before them, no longer frozen in time. They smiled, their eyes dark and hollow, and with an icy breath, the mother whispered, "We've been waiting for you." From that night forward, the Anderson House stood abandoned once again, the cellar-family waiting for their next visitors to join them.

 • My latest author news....

Discover "Street Tales" by Joseph Miller, an anthology that plunges you into the sinister depths of the paranormal, the otherworldly, murder, and abduction. With thirteen gripping short stories, each tale unveils a new layer of mystery and fear. Whether you’re a fan of horror or just love a good scare, "Street Tales" promises to keep you captivated until the very last page. Get ready to be enthralled by this dark and thrilling journey. Are you brave enough to uncover the secrets?

"Street Tales" by Joseph Miller
Now available on Amazon Kindle and paperback.


Please take a swing by my author's page to see what's new.


Well, that's all I have for you today.

Summer Vibes and Thanks!

    Hey there, sunshine! Thank you for bringing the warmth of summer right to my doorstep. Your visit has been as delightful as sipping a fruity cocktail on a tropical beach—refreshing and full of flavor! If our time together has been as fun as a thrilling roller coaster ride, why not extend the adventure? Discover more about my escapades and musings—it's like embarking on a journey to exotic lands without leaving your beach towel! Let the laughter and good times roll on like waves crashing on the shore!

Have fun,

Joe Miller


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