The Miller Report 09182024

 Hi, Mindmyst Tales fans!

    September is the perfect time for some summer reading! Why did the goat bring a ladder to the bar? Because it heard the drinks were on the house! 🐐 As you relish the long days and cool nights, let our stories add a dash of excitement to your summer.

    Our latest tales are packed with adventure, humor, and a bit of summer magic. So sit back, relax, and let the stories carry you away. Here’s a lotto pick to add some fun: 5, 11, 17, 25, 32, 38. Happy reading and best of luck!

 • Game of the Week --- your chance to win a prize ...
Algebra Problem - Lemonade Stand Profit Equation:
    At your high-tech lemonade stand in July, your profit PPP is determined by the equation P=3s−2cP = 3s - 2cP=3s−2c, where sss is the number of glasses sold and ccc is the cost per glass. If you sell 50 glasses of lemonade at $2 each, what is your total profit?
First player to send your correct solution to Post a Comment,
your name will be placed on the Game of the Week leaderboard.


 • Now, I present to you this week's amazing story!!

The Democrat Clown Car

Once upon a time in the land of politics, there was a Democrat clown car that rolled into town with a cacophony of honking horns and colorful balloons. Inside the car were a motley crew of politicians, each more eccentric than the last. There was the juggling senator who could never seem to keep all his promises in the air, the acrobatic congresswoman who could twist and turn her arguments in the most mind-bending ways, and the clown prince of the party who always had a joke or witty retort at the ready.

As the Democrat clown car made its way through the town, it attracted a crowd of curious onlookers who couldn't help but be entertained by the spectacle. Some laughed at the antics of the politicians inside, while others shook their heads in disbelief at the chaos unfolding before their eyes. But one thing was for certain - the Democrat clown car was impossible to ignore.

Despite the chaos and confusion that seemed to follow the Democrat clown car wherever it went, there was a certain charm and charisma to the politicians inside. They may have been a bit unorthodox and unconventional, but they were also passionate and dedicated to their cause. And as the sun set on the town, the Democrat clown car rolled off into the distance, leaving behind a trail of laughter and a lingering sense of wonder.

As the night fell and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, the memory of the Democrat clown car lingered in the minds of the townspeople. Despite the initial chaos, there was something endearing about the politicians and their quirky antics. It was a reminder that politics didn't always have to be serious and somber, but could also be filled with moments of joy and laughter. And as the town settled into a peaceful slumber, the faint sound of laughter from the Democrat clown car echoed in the distance, a reminder of the unique charm that had captivated them all.

As the night grew darker and the town drifted off to sleep, the memory of the Democrat clown car continued to bring a smile to the faces of the townspeople. It was a welcome break from the usual political drama and a reminder that amidst all the chaos, there was still room for lightheartedness and humor. The faint sound of laughter from the clown car lingered in the air, a gentle reminder of the joy that had filled the streets earlier that day. And as the stars shone brightly overhead, the townspeople drifted off to sleep with a sense of contentment, grateful for the unexpected moments of happiness that had brightened their day.


Step into the shadows with "Street Tales" by Joseph Miller, an anthology of thirteen short stories that explore the eerie and the unknown. From chilling murders to paranormal encounters and otherworldly abductions, each story is a journey into a world where reality and the supernatural intertwine. If you crave suspense and love being on the edge of your seat, "Street Tales" is the perfect book for you. Don’t wait—uncover the secrets of the streets and experience the thrill for yourself.

"Street Tales" by Joseph Miller
Now available on Amazon Kindle and paperback.


Please take a swing by my author's page to see what's new.


Well, that's all I have for you today.

Thanks for the Sunny Visit!
    Warm greetings and a big thank you for brightening my day with your sunny presence! Your visit has been as uplifting as a kite soaring high in the summer breeze—free-spirited and full of joy! If our time together has been as sweet as a juicy slice of watermelon on a hot day, why not continue the summer fun? Explore more about my tales and musings—it's like discovering a hidden oasis in the desert of everyday life! Let the laughter and good times roll on like waves crashing on the shore!

'till next Thursday,

Joe Miller


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